Editorial policy
All submissions are welcome. Commentaries submitted will be evaluated before publication. Articles and features provided to La Voz will be run space permitting following approval.
All Letters to the Editor submissions must be typed if longer than a single written page, and also must include a telephone number for verification. Potentially libelous or questionable material will not be permitted.
Readers may still request their letters to published anonymously, but must give their name and contact information for verification.
The publisher and/or editor will be the only individuals to know the identity of the submission.

Advertising policy
Advertising rates will remain the same at $7.50 per col. inch. Commensurate discounts for multiple ad runs are available.
All new accounts will be required to sign ad insertion contracts.
Accounts past due over thirty (30) days from the date of publication will be assessed a three-percent (3%) service fee.
Merchants with advertisements published for three consecutive issues (monthly or bi-weekly) or ninety (90) days without having posted payment will have their account suspended until compensation is received. A five-percent (5%) service fee will be applied to all accounts 90 days past due.
All rates are subject to change.

Photo submissions
Photo submissions will be published pending approval and according to space permitting.
There is no charge for photo submissions. Photos may be either submitted in person, by mail, or electronically by e-mail lavozuvalde@sbcglobal.net and must be submitted at least a week before the publication date.